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don't move for a while

by bruno demattio, published in INKBLOT 5,
by theo green, inkblot publications, bonita, berkeley, california, 1986

tonite we are in the kingdom of flowers. in the empty streets silence is growing.
the queen arrives. we are all waiting... soft light rain fall over dusk osterly riverside: i like
better breathing than working marcel duchamp said to his interviewer and took a long walk along his feet the legs the pelvis and the chest. cavity shoulders stretches arms neck and jaw face. the search into his left split and right split the body split and the limb split. the well-grounded foot tipped the pelvis upward over the root chakra and the anal region shows sudden pinching-in-of buttocks.


british premierminister says yes to star-wars. european money-market against frantic swissfranc provide military intervention after us-pershing-demonstrations ... the gross- national product hallucinated ... national health hopes to improve boredom and willingness

to join the army ... princess margaret and ronald reagan met secretly yesterday in russia. i'm going to do what i want to do donald like a furious dragon said, dived into his past life, renounced his pattern, took off his trousers, felt no juice yet in a single moment of joy in his second term the broadcaster mentioned a breakdown caused by tense situation the two countries were involved: the person who is a mathematician would have been a mystic and the person who is a politician turned out to be a businessman.

still missing casualty revolution seized more than fifty unregistered tanks. west-german surveillance found evidence of legally registered war-weapons and thousands of rounds of ammunition by saying the new pilot-training is having some mild kidney problems. they too discovered a vibrating sound over the wheat pancake. before the plane crashed he too thought of his love to live longer. yes the spring wine he took in too fast in too many happy swallows. his kids approached the government to file a new suit. victims all over the stock exchange. good evening everyone.

now we come to the heart of the matter: the language of the body. it has two parts: one deals with body signs and expressions that convey information about a person, the second deals with verbal expression that refers for their meaning to body functions. stand on your own feet stiff-necked asshole. tight-mouthed and stubborn the little red man holds his hand high over the vinyards. standing firm on the senators feet babies and dependents all went into hospital for primary syphillitic sore: it occurs at the labium majus, at the fourchette, that no one suffers from too much freedom. the state machinery intact secret services moving in high gear went slightly ulcerated in with an effort to stamp out the extension of the computer: our brain. however so often we lose sight of this fact and tend to think of the body as operating on the principle of a machine than the other way round: murray haydon sings this song:

life is just like a flame
every evening night
so many candles appear
what a shame what a shame
see the gap between the two

once you understand: allright. but first you have to shift australia further south, consider prestige to withdraw nuclear weapons don't be silly uncle billy. the heart in his cage can be rigid or soft, immobile or responsive. violence almost destroys the president's humour. sticking out the chest the secretary of state for human rights at the white house refused to do the job: a kiss may be a gesture of love but the guy said nope. those screaming in america for the right to life are funny enough screaming just as loudly for the need to kill condemned criminals. sitting in ddathrow the flow of feeling caressing your mother's hand tensions developed. such tensions not to reach your heart are responsible for rheumatoid arthritis in your hands. if you live in georgia and are black the state hands out for killing a white ten times more often death penalty to you than to a white for killing a black. you begin to feel connected. head, heart, and genitals. thinking feeling and sex are no longer separate parts or separate functions.
bioenergy human be-ings
and circumstances good feelings
end in violent behavior the primal scream
flushing the face sensation of falling
childhood schizophrenic character
in unity and duality humming ordered-life-is-rubbish mantra
like the noodle edition or spiral bound books


why you why me

it is popular today to talk of self-realization and the human potential, but such terms are meaningless unless one asks - potential for what? it is possible only to live more fully if you open your heart to life and to love. expand your heart not just your mind. don't hide your face: the voice of neurosis. losing one's voice could, therefore, mean a loss of standing. drunk driving car theft rape and murder: a thoroughly christian institution: life affirmative by pricking the body with a sharp instrument or a witch's teat, an unusual lump through which demons could suck blood. nationalists choosing jail whilst lightning struck plagued nation. beyond northeast disaster: the war against orchids has been intensified paradoxically by those who proclaim themselves lovers of the beautiful and curious. farmers unable to expand their production unsettles fort worth and the boom-bust cycle. the rocky mountains may be in danger from air pollution emitted by venereal warts: think of it: protect the surrounding skin with vasoline. on the runway the huge aircraft falling with high speed


through a small papular secondary syphillitic eruption into a poppy field. the treatment was total: lightning was directed by witchcraft to eliminate enemies: the president hurried to china in a coma and a tribal healer found the eggs laid by a mythical lightning bird: wasco county electricity supply immediately began a campaign to construct cheap conductors of broomsticks: if the witch sank she was innocent, if she floated she was guilty and hanged. to that test we made progress in having electric chairs and nuclear weapons to wipe out entire nations instantly. do we have the courage to live another kind of life? allow 6-8 weeks

for delivery...

clean spirit and infantile consciousness

over sexuality muscular layers

body tensions anxiety illusions

streaming pea-cocks deceiving orgasm

walking on a small heath feet grounded


technology aerobics and ego control
yoga in 1000 ways to catatonia

creativity and time distortion attention and distractability: psychedelic state hypnotic trance and the creative act... future experimentation eeg pattern falling in love during sleep on each occasion. the term high implies a positive valued experience and goes as follows: i am seeing purple slowly the green lavender changed into pleasant sensation of velvet inside and outside the skin. the kingdom of flowers. the purple emperor with wonderful vigour and power naked shining with black hooks on his wings swings boldly through the entire metamorphosis from awakening to the last movement of flight...

adrenaline dream the dog-faced man
ball's operation harlequin foetus
cable rash and cannabis hypertension located
at the delhi boil vanilla itch
some epidermis touches the untouchables
goose grease romeo and juliet
haemophilus ducreyi ohh melanin


herpes from others open your eyes
indigo taste all around me
kummerfeld's lotion where roses aren't red
and lactic acid mixtures different from you

beyond the normal range of sight observers located some specimen at the far edges of scotland. no one knew why. painted ladies in large sombreros arriving in gibraltar complained about the absence of black pigment at the cock's foot. body-green the veins. white head and thorax well-defined: programmed into the waking personality. i can't tell you what to do. gestalt concept psychotherapy constant background changing said a friend of mine: it's all non-sense. it's like in the renaissance knitting a man to a woman. close to art centers where guilds formed large carpets of moving catholic priests passing needles and yarns he felt unhurried. slowly approaching with accurate measurements his body excitingly changed garments and faltered skin instructions printed on suggested diagrams. bust and chest both came in touch with each other a little higher across the back was the widest part. juices. add one or two inches from shoulder to shoulder and reach with the underarm your hands: this determines properly the depth of feeling below the neckline. where curves and jaws meet before finishing measure directly from center to sleeve down not including the 9

row on your needle. open your eyes. don't shut the mouth. remember cast-off stitches with ribbing on the bottom like in figure 3. with these factors in mind do as a master knitter and scream with her but remind in place. purl 4 fuck 5 knit 6. repeat the pattern and stay together: don't move for awhile and stay where you are. no mind is working energy flows the queen appears and the flowers are blooming: you see the seer you observe the observer you become aware of awareness ...

masculine baldness so early
nerve supply nail bed and superglue
oatmeal baths with winston churchill
nitrogen mustard why should i care
parrot-beak deformity leaving

radiation of ringworm of the groins ... scratch test at capitol has anything to do
with meditation... tetrachlorethylene and toad skin some ultra-violet lovers dreaming of ships and vitamin A to see better ... wasserman reaction and warble files xanthoma diabeticorum really put video under hypnosis. yaws honey-yellow normal levels zona searching stalker.


he felt sure of himself... lost horizon ... fellow passengers ... colombia many types of therapies... overcome his handicaps ... motionless unthinkable he enjoyed staying there on the edge of time... the girl the girl ... and the fear of height.. waste your time in the kingdom of flowers: the grass grows by itself. stanotte siamo dentro il regno dei fiori. le strade vuote grandino il silenzio. puo cominciare stanotte il regno dei fiori se ne appare la regina. if you want to see see at once: silence on your skin unhurt.

published in INKBLOT 5,

by theo green, inkblot publications, bonita, berkeley, california, 1986

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